Yoshinkan Aikido

A training journal of my experiences at the Brisbane Dojo of Yoshinkan Aikido

November 02, 2004

The Road to Recovery

My back is healing slowly but progressively.

You don't realise how much your back is involved in movement until it is sore. I'm sure it must assist in aikido movements. I guess the back and hips are all connected and move as one. This is where our centre of power is.

As I move at home I can feel the movements in my body. When I twist to pick up things in the kitchen I can feel it. It makes me think about aikido movements and how the body moves as one.

Perhaps injury allows us to become more aware of our body. By experiencing these movements we can create awareness of our body and learn to move as one instead of isolating movements.

This is the goal of aikido. To move as one. OSU.


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