Yoshinkan Aikido

A training journal of my experiences at the Brisbane Dojo of Yoshinkan Aikido

September 03, 2003

Well, it's been a while since I have visited my blog. I am going to have to get more disciplined. However I am happy to report that I have passed my 5th kyu grading. It was quite an extensive grading with six techniques that I was tested on. All my gradings until this one have contained only one or two techniques but I found this grading more rewarding and I rose to meet the challange.

I have been looking at the grading sheets for my future gradings and I can see that it becomes a lot more involved now. This is exciting because I am moving into new territory. As I have done Aikido before, until 5th kyu, all the techniques have been things that I have already known. But now I am being challenged with new stuff I have never learnt. This is giving me a new feeling of motivation and I am keen to learn and explore what else Aikido has to offer.

5th kyu grading comprised of Ikkajo suwari waza, Yonkajo, Irimi nage (2 techniques), tenchi nage and hiji kokyo nage. The ikkajo is the first kneeling technique that I have done at this dojo and I was lucky enough to have Sensei personally teach me this technique for one of my lessons leading up to the grading. I enjoy suwari waza and I look forward to more of this in the future.

Sogo Shinsa next month, the chance for some to double grade. For me, I will focus on 4th kyu.
Maybe I will be offered jun 3rd kyu???
I doubt it...I will just keep on training. OSU.


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