Yoshinkan Aikido

A training journal of my experiences at the Brisbane Dojo of Yoshinkan Aikido

July 19, 2003


I have not trained for nearly 3 weeks. Unfortunately I have had other commitments arise in my life which have to take priority. I don't think I will make grading for this month, but that's OK. The grades aren't important, just the knowledge. In the long run I will continue with training and learning, I will keep improving.
I miss the dojo. OSU.

July 03, 2003


Success!!! I am now 6th Kyu.

When Sensei presented me with my certificate he said "next is 5th Kyu....many techniques".
I guess I will find out what that means when the time comes. Anyway, it is good to return to regular training,
2 weeks of full time training wore on my body. My feet are especially sore.

I am still working on my ukemi and I am considering going to some of the advanced classes. They are held after
basic class and are a lot more intensive. Some of the other white belts are thinking of going, I might go with them. OSU.