Yoshinkan Aikido

A training journal of my experiences at the Brisbane Dojo of Yoshinkan Aikido

February 24, 2004

Phew !!! 41 degrees Celcius over the weekend. How hot is that !!

Not many people trained in that heat. My head felt like it was going to explode and I almost got physically sick. I guess it is good conditioning. If I can stand that I can take on anything.

I asked Sensei about the footwork question that was on my mind. I don't really understand his answer and I wonder if the real truth has been lost over time. Sensei said the lead foot is now turned outwards to make it easier to turn with techniques. I don't understand how this makes anything easier. It feels the same to me whether my foot is straight or turned outwards.

It would be good to see what people do at other schools and compare. Anyway, I continue to train to prepare for grading in March. OSU.

February 14, 2004

I wonder, sometimes, about the footwork of aikido.

If you look at photos of the old aikijujitsu the lead foot was straight with the body slightly angled, so as to protect the groin area, I think. Whereas, in Yoshinkan Aikido the lead foot is turned outward and the hips are square, facing uke.

I wonder why this was changed? I think I will ask Sensei. OSU.

February 08, 2004

I have recommenced a regular training schedule.

Next month (March) will be Sogo Shinsa, my next grading for 2nd Kyu.
I'm going to make the most of my time to improve what I can before then. I will train twice a week, doing double classes, that's 4 hours a week. Previously I was only training 3 hours a week. When the February grading training week comes around, I will attend every night that I can. That will be good preparation for the next month.

Small steps and I will achieve my long journey. OSU.