Yoshinkan Aikido

A training journal of my experiences at the Brisbane Dojo of Yoshinkan Aikido

April 29, 2004


I haven't trained in nearly two weeks due to life commitments.

Hope to get back to the dojo next week. OSU.

April 19, 2004


Damned if I can do kote gaeshi ni !!!!
Lots of people talk about the footwork, but for me it's the hands.

The initial 180 degrees turn is fine, but then you have to change the hands over for the throw. This is where I feel clumsy. I feel like I'm standing there forever, struggling with the grip before I throw. I never really feel like I'm throwing uke.

This is something I am going to have to work on if I want to grade next Sogo Shinsa.
My deadline is June grading. OSU.

April 12, 2004

We did a nice Sankajo move the other night.

From hidari stance, block a right shomen uchi and just move your hips without actually moving your feet, deflect the attack away to your right side. Then change your grip and apply the Sankajo by squaring your hips back up. Once uke reacts to the Sankajo, turns your hips back to the right and face the other way, bringing the left knee to the ground. A very effective move that works well.

I need to work on my kote gaeshi ni. It's not so much the footwork but the grip. As I do the initial 180 degrees turn, changing my hands to apply the kote gaeshi grips feels really sloppy. I feel like I take a long time to get the grip on and finally throw. I don't really understand what it is I need to do to improve. Time to ask some questions I think.

We've had a 4 day break over Easter. Back into it this week. OSU.

April 03, 2004

I have passed 2nd Kyu grading.

My certificate was presented to my by Sensei the other night when I arrived at the dojo.

I now have 3 months to train before 1st Kyu. I look forward to that time. OSU.