Yoshinkan Aikido

A training journal of my experiences at the Brisbane Dojo of Yoshinkan Aikido

November 28, 2003

I didn't have to grade this month but I attend training a couple of nights to look at what is required for 3rd Kyu.

There are a lot of new techniques, particularly Ushiro techniques. These involve being grabbed from behind.
I haven't had to do these before so I am enjoying the challenge of learning these.

So far, they have all involved wrist grabs from behind.

Tomorrow is the dojo demonstration in celebration of the dojo's birthday. I will definately be attending, I am keen to see what self-defence techniques Sensei will teach. We don't do much self defence training.
Usually training focuses on kata for grading or renzoku.

I think we should do more self defence stuff to keep in touch with the combatitive side of Aikido.
Our kata training is performed hard and is good training for real combat, but I also want to learn practical movements that can be applied on the street.

I'll let you know what it's like !! OSU.

November 08, 2003

Training is going along well.

I will not have to grade this month as 3rd Kyu can only be done on a Sogo Shinsa. The next Sogo is December.
That's good, now I will have plenty of time to prepare. I believe there are new techniques to learn.

This month on the 29 November there is a Dojo Demonstration in celebration of the Dojo's birthday. Before the demo there will be a 2 hour Self Defence class. I'm looking forward to this and I'm looking forward to watching the black belts do their demo.

Anyway, in a couple of weeks grading training will start for this month's grading and I think I will attend to try out some of the 3rd Kyu stuff. OSU.