Yoshinkan Aikido

A training journal of my experiences at the Brisbane Dojo of Yoshinkan Aikido

May 27, 2003

Ikkajo is a fascinating technique.

Last night Sensei demonstrated the power of ki. He was demonstrating the Ikkajo technique and I was uke. When I was on the mat with me elbow pinned all Sensei had to do was just breathe out and I could feel the lock on my elbow joint. As Sensei was demonstrating the pressure was applied just firmly enough for me to feel but it was still amazing to experience.

It has now made me think how ki would be applied to all techniques. I still have the rest of the week to prepare for Grading. OSU.

May 24, 2003

Getsurei Shinsa training has commenced.

All this week classes will be Shinsa training. I will train for 8th kyu and Ikkajo will be the technique I have to learn.

Leading up to Shinsa training I have had a good week. A senior showed me something about Shiho-nage that amazed me. Just a slight adjustment with my hands and the technique can completely lock out uke's arm. It was amazing to feel when he demonstrated on me. The movement with the hands is like wringing a towel.

There are so many fine points about Aikido, you could literally spend years working on just one technique.

Anyway, Shinsa training for the rest of the week. Grading on Saturday 31 May. OSU

May 15, 2003

Aikido is hard.

I have had good training this week, but I don't feel improvement. The other night we did a Sankajo technique.
I was told it was a 6th Kyu level technique, but I found it very complicated. The experience made me lose confidence that I will progress quickly in Aikido. The hardest part was being uke. With one throw I almost landed flat on my head!!

Even Sensei saw that and was looking in my direction.
The black belt I was training with seemed to sense Sensei's concern and instructed me on ukemi.
I still landed wrong.

Later I was partnered with another black belt, a lady, who showed me how to step forward just before the throw.
It made all the difference and boosted my confidence. It is amazing how such a fine point can make all the difference.
I need to remember what she showed me.

I think I need to become more humble with my training in order to learn. OSU.

May 11, 2003

The photo shoot went well. Sensei's techniques are powerful! Even though he knows my limits as a white belt Sensei still threw me with such power and now I understand the importance of good ukemi. I now see if you don't concentrate on learning good ukemi it is very easy to injure yourself and you will never progress in Aikido.

I can't begin to describe what the sensation was like being thrown. The impact was amazing. But even with what Sensei did with me, you should have seen the throws he performed with the Senior students! The whole day was a valuable learning experience, to watch Sensei throw 3rd Dans and 2nd Dans with such amazing power, I can really start to see what is hidden in the techniques of Aikido.

Back to training Monday. OSU.

May 08, 2003

I have passed the Getsurei Shinsa!!!!!!
Tuesday night I went to training and Sensei Mori presented me with my certificate. I am now officially 9th Kyu Yoshinkan Aikido.

It is a good feeling to be part of something that is so great. I am very lucky to be part of a dojo that has a 6th Dan Sensei.
Sensei Mori was very warm when presenting my certificate. He showed me where he had written my name in Japanese as well as English and he congratulated me on achieving success. I look forward to my next grading at the end of the month.

This Saturday students are invited to participate as Sensei's uke!!!! Sensei wants to take some photos and the best shot will be used for the annual demonstration poster of 2003. The demonstration will be held towards the end of the year, September I think. I will let you know the actual date.
It is funny, in the change room all us white belts show great enthusiasm at the opportunity to uke for Sensei, however, all the black belts laugh and tell us "When you uke for Sensei, then you will feel how a technique REALLY works!!".

I look forward to Saturday. OSU.

May 03, 2003

I have completed my 9th Kyu Grading!

I think I was over-confident going into it. Once I got out there in front of Sensei it felt completely different to training.

I don't think I heard any of Sensei's instructions, I was completly zoned out and just followed my partner. Lucky for me I was partnered with a senior for the first Grading and they helped me through it.

I only made a few small errors but basically I performed the techniques correctly.
Anyway, I will find out if I passed next week. OSU.

May 02, 2003

Shinsa training. I have attended every class this week in preparation for 9th Kyu Grading. My body is tired and I have decided not to attend class tonight in order to rest for the Grading tomorrow, Saturday. I feel confident about the Grading.

Most of the moves I remember from my previous experience with Aikido. The Shumatsu Dosa is a little different to what I used to do, but I have learnt quickly. It is just the hand positions that are different, the footwork is exactly the same. I don't know if what I learnt before was a different style of Aikido or just a variation of Yoshinkan, but I really feel that Sensei Mori's way is the real way. It feels right to perform.

My Shiho-nage is good, I feel confident that I will perform this correctly. The rest if fairly simple for me - Kamae basic stance, Hiriki No Yosei, Shikko-Ho and Ukemi.

I am looking forward to passing 9th Kyu and moving on to more training. I will note tomorrow how everything went. OSU.